Asheville Farm Photo (139 of 142)
Except for nighttime, when Twister sleeps in this dog carrier (to prevent her from getting in fights), she spends her days in a large, outdoor, fenced-in, portable 'run' hunting bugs, worms, grass, and watermelon scraps.
The Little Hen that Could!
July 2020 - Of our 60 wonderful 'Summer of 2020' laying hens, 'Twister' (pictured here) is one of our favorites. (She is the only one that we dared to name.)
The best guess of a medical doctor who came to purchase chickens this past week supported our Dr. Google diagnoses: Twister may have scoliosis (curvature of the spine) which causes her very noticeable hunched-back appearance. Perhaps as compensation, she also has a remarkable 'Napoleon Complex' -- she often picks fights with the hens at the top of the pecking order.
Because Twister is such a doll, we house her in a dog kennel in the 'group coop' at night and move her to a smaller coop with a fenced-in run where she spends the day with the only other hen that she gets along with.
One more thing that makes Twister extra special!
Perhaps the most adorable thing about Twister is that she always lays her 1-egg-of-the-day before 7:15AM, when we open the coop. Above was Friday morning of this past week. Just like clockwork, here's a photo of her the following morning.
The best guess of a medical doctor who came to purchase chickens this past week supported our Dr. Google diagnoses: Twister may have scoliosis (curvature of the spine) which causes her very noticeable hunched-back appearance. Perhaps as compensation, she also has a remarkable 'Napoleon Complex' -- she often picks fights with the hens at the top of the pecking order.
Because Twister is such a doll, we house her in a dog kennel in the 'group coop' at night and move her to a smaller coop with a fenced-in run where she spends the day with the only other hen that she gets along with.
One more thing that makes Twister extra special!
Perhaps the most adorable thing about Twister is that she always lays her 1-egg-of-the-day before 7:15AM, when we open the coop. Above was Friday morning of this past week. Just like clockwork, here's a photo of her the following morning.