Asheville Farm: dairy goats | Icelandic sheep

Parasites to look for in sheep and goat feces with microscope

liver fluke eggs infection in goats and sheep

liver fluke eggs infection in goats and sheep

liver fluke eggs infection in goats and sheep
Above: Liver Fluke

lungworm eggs infection in goats and sheep
Above: Lungworm eggs

coccidia eggs infection in goats and sheep

coccidia eggs infection in goats and sheep
Above: Coccidia

Notes: Coccidiosis and cryptosporidiosis are most commonly becomes a problem only in very young sheep or goats since immunity develops over time (typically by 5 - 6 months of age).
Animals may die without showing any symptoms if exposure is high. Often, symptoms include diarrhea, loss of appetite, weak, listlessness.
Can be transmitted to humans

Barber Pole Worm eggs infection in goats and sheep

Above: Barber's Pole Worm

Notes: Can often be detected through FAMACHA method

Stomach worm eggs infection in goats and sheep

Above: Stomach worm eggs

tapeworm eggs infection in goats and sheep

tapeworm eggs

Above: Tapeworm eggs

Roundworm eggs infection in goats and sheep

Above: Roundworm eggs

mistaken identification of parasitic eggs in goats and sheep

Above: Benign organism can often be mistaken for parasites

Examples include pollen, plant cells, psocid insects, and grain mites.

Threadworm eggs infection in goats and sheep

Above: Threadworm eggs

Notes: Rarely a problem. Most often seen in warm, moist conditions.

famacha method


Used to detect anaemia by checking eye conjunctiva.